HOWTO: Better JSON parsing when POSTing to Merb Apps

  • Ruby
  • Merb

Where I work, we have fairly extensive, JSON-based web services in all out applications. As a quick example, here's what you would get if you were to GET with the mime-type application/vnd.absperf.sscj1+json:

  "_type":                      "Configuration",
  "href":                       "http://config.ssbe.localhost/configurations/90",
  "id":                         "4c5895f2-28a3-4299-a558-270889e6f065",
  "name":                       "lacquered",
  "notes":                      "Hosted hundredfold broomstick",
  "platform":                   "AIX",
  "client_href":                "http://core.ssbe.localhost/clients/jousting",
  "registered_templates_href":  "http://config.ssbe.localhost/configurations/90/registered_templates",
  "parent_configuration_href":  "http://config.ssbe.localhost/configurations/90",
  "created_at":                 "2008-10-07T16:38:29-06:00",
  "updated_at":                 "2008-10-08T15:20:51-06:00"

I'm planning on a bigger post about exactly what our JSON document means, and our mime-types, and everything. For now, a good explaination of the reasoning behind our mime-types can be found over on Peter's blog.

That aside, now that I've GETed this document, I'd love to be able to just string-manipulate the one or two things I want to modify, and just PUT it back where I got it, in the same format, with all the same attributes. The problem with that, though, is that several of these attributes are determined server-side, such as _type, href, and id. These values a set by the server, and a few of them aren't even properties on the model. I could throw an error back when someone tries to submit a value for an unchangeable attribute, but then I wouldn't be able to POST the identical document that I just GETed. I'd have to know a fair amount about the document to know which attributes I have to remove from the document before I can give it back. I'd much prefer the server just ignore it. Now, I could throw an error if someone tries to change one of these attributes, but I'll save that for later. In any event, right now, I just want my controller to parse the JSON, and let it ignore the attributes I don't care about.

To that end, I implemented a custom JSON parser in a before filter in my Application controller:

class Application < Merb::Controller
  before :parse_supplied_sscj1, :if => :has_sscj1_content         #[1]

  def has_sscj1_content
    request.content_type == 'application/vnd.absperf.sscj1+json'  #[2]

  def parse_supplied_sscj1
      jobj = JSON.parse(request.raw_post)                         #[3]
      raise UnprocessableEntity unless jobj.is_a?(Hash)           #[4]

      model_class = jobj["_type"].snake_case                      #[5]

      params[model_class] = jobj
    rescue JSON::ParserError => e
      raise                             #[6]

A brief description of what all this means:

  1. Set up the before filter to do the parsing, but only under the right conditions.
  2. Those conditions are merely if somebody set the Content-Type header on the request to my sscj1 mime-type.
  3. JSON parse the body of the request. Request#raw_post is how you get to the raw data that was POSTed (and PUT, too)
  4. I expect every JSON document i get to be parsed into a Hash object, so throw a standard HTTP error if its not.
  5. Because I have the _type attribute in my document, I can use that to put the parsed attributes in the right place. From the example above, I end up with params = {"configuration" => {"name" => "lacquered", ...}, ...}
  6. Oh, and if we got an invalid (unparseable) JSON document, raise a 400 Bad Request error.

So that takes care of the JSON parsing. Its a little better than the one built-in to merb, because of the error handling, and putting the attributes into a useable place in the form. Now, what do we do about the attributes we want to ignore? I added a couple class methods to Controller for handling that.

class Application < Merb::Controller
  class << self
    attr_accessor :attributes_to_ignore

    def ignore_attributes(*attrs)
      @attributes_to_ignore = attrs


  def attributes_to_ignore
    %w[_type href id created_at updated_at] + self.class.attributes_to_ignore


class Configurations < Application
  provides :sscj1

  ignore_attributes 'registered_templates_href'

  # ...

This is all pretty simple. Essentially, I just added a #ignore_attributes class method to my controllers, so I can provide a list of attributes to be ignored, specific to each controller. The #attributes_to_ignore method lists the default ones, and in this case, I want my configurations to ignore registered_templates_href in addition to those. Now I can just delete those from the parsed JSON object in my #parse_supplied_sscj1 method:

  attributes_to_ignore.each do |key|


Now, I have that pesky parent_configuration_href attribute still coming in. I dont want to ignore it, but I do need a parent_id attribute in my configuration model, representing a self-referential join. To do that, I'd love to be able to run the given uri through merb's router and parse out the id, but unfortunetly, thats not part of the public API (yet). I'll just have to write my own simple regex parser to pull it out, and have a nice clever way to set that in my Configurations controller. So on to the code:

class Application < Merb::Controller
  class << self
    attr_accessor :attributes_to_alter
    def alter_attribute(attribute, &block)
      @attributes_to_alter ||= {}
      @attributes_to_alter[attribute] = block
  def attributes_to_alter self.class.attributes_to_alter.inspect
    self.class.attributes_to_alter || {}


class Configurations < Application
  provides :sscj1

  alter_attribute 'parent_configuration_href' do |_,uri|
    {'parent_id' => extract_configuration_id(uri)}

  def self.extract_configuration_id(uri)
    return nil unless uri


So, here we have something similar to the #ignore_attributes, except now we have a block to be called on the attribute we want to change. In this case, I match the configurations part of the URI, and capture the id. Then , in my #parse_supplied_sscj1 method, I replace the old value with the new one:

def parse_supplied_sscj1
    jobj = JSON.parse(request.raw_post)
    raise UnprocessableEntity unless jobj.is_a?(Hash)

    model_class = jobj["_type"].snake_case

    attributes_to_ignore.each do |key|

    attributes_to_alter.each do |attribute, block|
      new_attrs =, jobj.delete(attribute))

    params[model_class] = jobj
  rescue JSON::ParserError => e

Thats the entire method that I'm using right now. I hope to package this all up as a merb plugin soon, keep and eye on my github, and I'll probably post something about it here, soon.